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How do I make changes to my booking?

If you need to change the departure date of your trip, room sharing option or need to make any other changes to your booking, we can help. Just call or email your Contiki representative or contact the travel agent who you made the booking with.

Is International airfare included in the cost of a Contiki trip?

International flights to/from the destination your trip starts and ends in are not included in the cost of the trip and must be purchased separately. If you are booking direct with Contiki, you can add on flights during the booking process. Alternatively, you can book these independently if you want to shop around for the best quote, or through your travel agent.

Do I really have to be 18-35 years old to travel with Contiki?

Yep! Being young, living with hope, and seeing the world for the very first time, is at the essence of why we exist. Some travel experiences you can only have when you’re young, and those are the experiences you have with Contiki. As a company we ourselves are young; we challenge convention, push boundaries, and sometimes turn a blind eye to our parents’ advice, so why wouldn’t we want the same from our travellers?

How can I save on my Contiki trip?

There are multiple ways to save money on the cost of your Contiki trip. To see all available deals, visit contiki.com/deals or speak to your local travel agent.

How do I register my trip?

Head to mycontiki to learn how to sign up, log in or manage your booking. From here you'll be able to complete your profile, view your bookings and itineraries in one place, chat to other travellers who are booked onto your trip, and access your documentation. Documents become available 21 days prior to your departure date.

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